RE: error

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try checking for the value

if (isset($_POST["op"] != "addpost")) {

or to supress the error, use the '@' symbol in fron of the $_POST or $_GET

if (@$_POST["op"] != "addpost") {


From: Remember14a@xxxxxxx
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:  error
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 06:58:10 EDT

Dear friends,

Script writes to database, however gives this error while on internet web
server, on local host doesn't give same error.

Any guidance, please

Thank you
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Notice: Undefined index: op in
\\premfs15\sites\premium15\mrbushforpeace\webroot\replytopost.php on line 9
code of php script
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//connect to server and select database; we'll need it soon
$conn = mysql_connect("", "mrbushforpeace",
"poilkjmnb") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("mrbushforpeace",$conn)  or die(mysql_error());

//check to see if we're showing the form or adding the post
if ($_POST["op"] != "addpost") {
   // showing the form; check for required item in query string
   if (!$_GET["post_id"]) {
        header("Location: topiclist.php");

//still have to verify topic and post
$verify = "select ft.topic_id, ft.topic_title from forum_posts as fp left
join forum_topics as ft on fp.topic_id = ft.topic_id where fp.post_id =
$verify_res = mysql_query($verify, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($verify_res) < 1) {
//this post or topic does not exist
header("Location: topiclist.php");
} else {
//get the topic id and title
$topic_id = mysql_result($verify_res,0,'topic_id');
$topic_title = stripslashes(mysql_result($verify_res,

       print "
       <title>Post Your Reply in $topic_title</title>
       <h1>Post Your Reply in $topic_title</h1>
       <form method=post action=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">
       <p><strong>Your E-Mail Address:</strong><br>
       <input type=\"text\" name=\"post_owner\" size=40 maxlength=150>

<P><strong>Post Text:</strong><br>
<textarea name=\"post_text\" rows=8 cols=40 wrap=virtual></textarea>

       <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"addpost\">
       <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"topic_id\" value=\"$topic_id\">

       <P><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Add Post\"></p>

} else if ($_POST["op"] == "addpost") {
   //check for required items from form
   if ((!$_POST["topic_id"]) || (!$_POST["post_text"]) ||
(!$_POST["post_owner"])) {
       header("Location: topiclist.php");

   //add the post
   $add_post = "insert into forum_posts values ('', '$_POST[topic_id]',
'$_POST[post_text]', now(), '$_POST[post_owner]')";
   mysql_query($add_post,$conn) or die(mysql_error());

   //redirect user to topic


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