Re: Webpage response to selection & $_POST

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It doesn't look like you're actually retrieving data using the $_POSTed
data from that code snippet.  Are you doing anything like $j = $_POST
['j']; in order to get the value of j before you retrieve your array
data?  Or are you allowing PHP to declare $_POST variables globally?

The reason you need brackets is because brackets are always used in the
declaration of a user array, assuming that this is what you want.  If
you don't want an array, than your original code was correct -- []
always signals an array type to PHP.
Peter Ellis - pellis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Web Design and Development Consultant
naturalaxis |

On Mon, 2004-08-30 at 11:02 -0500, Philip Thompson wrote:
> Peter,
> On Aug 29, 2004, at 6:26 PM, Peter Lovatt wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > you need to check for $_POST["user1"], $_POST["user2"] etc - is that 
> > what
> > you are doing?
> Yes, this is how I am checking the post variables.
> >
> > Your other variables are done as an array - $firstName[$j] etc, should 
> > your
> > check box be
> >
> >      echo '	<td><input type="checkbox" name="user[' . $j . ']"
> > value="1"></td>' . "\n";
> >
> > (note the [])
> Why do you have to have the []'s? I did add those, but it didn't seem 
> to help.
> > Otherwise try vardump($_POST) to see exactly what is being returned.
> I also tried the vardump($_POST), and it did not seem to return 
> anything. I did not find anything about vardump() on the php site... 
> besides some non-built in function. Any more thoughts on using it?
> > If this does not fix it try posting the code that handles the response 
> > and
> > we will try and help.
> >
> > Peter
> Ok, quick question. Does the $_POST variable transfer the information 
> to all the pages? or just the page called in that <form 
> action="apage.php">? Because in my code I call a certain page, but then 
> that page merely redirects to another page, depending what selection 
> was made.
> The code that uses the $_POST information follows...
> ~Philip
> <?php
> for ($j=0; $j<=$largestDBID; $j++) {
>      $user = "user[" . $j . "]";
>      if ($_POST[$user]) {
>          echo '<tr>' . "\n";
>          echo '	<td>' . $dbid[$j] . '</td>' . "\n";
>          echo '	<td>' . $firstName[$j] . '</td>' . "\n";
>          echo '	<td>' . $lastName[$j] . '</td>' . "\n";
>          echo '	<td>' . $uid[$j] . '</td>' . "\n";
>          echo '	<td>' . $username[$j] . '</td>' . "\n";
>          echo '	<td>' . $classification[$j] . '</td>' . "\n";
>          echo '</tr>' . "\n";
>      }
> }
> ?>

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