That didn't work. Here's why. This is not a dos file. It is a unix file but when dumping the data from my db, some fields had a trailing CR and LF. So what I ended up with was a ^M showing in the middle of a line when I open the file in vim. And... the lines will also end where they shouldn't. What is supposed to be one line, then continues on the next. While dos2unix did strip out the ^m, it left the LF (is it return or linefeed in unix) at the end of the line, starting a new one. I need to actually do a search on ^M followed by LF and replace it with nothing so I get my full line back. But I don't know how to enter in LF or CR in a vim search string. Hope this clarifies..... On Thursday 19 August 2004 08:50 am, Russell Johnson wrote: > Actually, an easier tool to use is dos2unix, which is available on most > Linux boxes. Just type dos2unix [filename], and you should be all set. > > -----Mensaje original----- > De: Michael Cortes [mailto:cortesm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] > Enviado el: Thursday, August 19, 2004 1:36 PM > Para: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > Asunto: I have a CR-LF problem when pulling stuff out of my DB > > However, I now have an immediate need. I want to open these five files in > vim and find and replace the ^M in every instance. I know how to find and > replace (:g/find//s/replace/g). But I cannot get the ^M in the string. If > I actually hit <ctrl-m> it reads as a return; if I type ^M using the > shift-6 then it looks for the actual characters. > > Can anyone help? > -- Michael Cortes Fort LeBoeuf School District 34 East Ninth Street PO Box 810 Waterford PA 16441-0810 814.796.4795 -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: