Thanks, Christian, and all who responded. I think this is almost exactly as it will work. The problem with using some kind of MySQL frontend is that this would involve some knowledge of dB's and SQL (can't be certain of this), and that it would be additional steps. For example, the GUI already allows 1 or more computers to be selected (up to 48, now), and the audit history button simply queries the audit_table based upon the same selection of computers for all changes made during a specified period. Having to create a query for computers 1-7, 11, 15, 16, 24, 31, etc, where start date = 'some date' and end date = now() would really be dupliating work that the GUI is already doing. > An easy way to do it (work around) is to dump it as csv or html. If your > form can output an html table to the browser to show results then all you > need is to include a short instruction on the html form that has all results > in html table that would say something like "Save with your browser's 'save > as' button and save it as a HTM file then open it with Excel" > Then the user would easily open an HTML file in XLS and do what ever they > want with it (save as XLS, WK*, etc.... It gets more complicated if you > want to use formulas in the spreadsheet but if its just raw data this would > be a very easy way to accomplish what you want. Hope this helps. > Christian