Already been done: Mark -----Original Message----- From: -{ Rene Brehmer }- [mailto:metalbunny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:50 AM To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Tree structure - how to show only current branch ?? Ok, Tom Reed got my thinker running big time ... and I've been trying to build an expandable and modifiable tree structure where it only displays the branch leading to the current folder... Showing the entire tree is easy, but how do I change the code to only display the branch we need??? ... I've never coded visual trees before, so this is new for me ... Found several samples with google where the code relies on the structure being fixed in the DB. What I want to create is the possibility to mode folders around within the tree ... literally moving branches from one place to another, while retaining their content. DB structure is simply this (I want to get rid of the level field if it's at all possible to count the levels with recursive functions, but for now it stays). folderID int(10) UNSIGNED auto-increment parentID int(10) UNSIGNED level tinyint(3) UNSIGNED name varchar(255) (I'm fully aware that int may be overkill, but this is for testing purposes...) test data: <http://localhost/phpmyadmin/sql.php?lang=en-iso-8859-1&server=1&db=tree+tes t&table=folders&pos=0&session_max_rows=30&disp_direction=horizontal&repeat_c ells=100&dontlimitchars=0&sql_query=SELECT++%2A+%0AFROM++%60folders%60++ORDE R+BY+%60folderID%60+ASC>folderID <http://localhost/phpmyadmin/sql.php?lang=en-iso-8859-1&server=1&db=tree+tes t&table=folders&pos=0&session_max_rows=30&disp_direction=horizontal&repeat_c ells=100&dontlimitchars=0&sql_query=SELECT++%2A+%0AFROM++%60folders%60++ORDE R+BY+%60parentID%60+ASC>parentID <http://localhost/phpmyadmin/sql.php?lang=en-iso-8859-1&server=1&db=tree+tes t&table=folders&pos=0&session_max_rows=30&disp_direction=horizontal&repeat_c ells=100&dontlimitchars=0&sql_query=SELECT++%2A+%0AFROM++%60folders%60++ORDE R+BY+%60level%60+ASC>level <http://localhost/phpmyadmin/sql.php?lang=en-iso-8859-1&server=1&db=tree+tes t&table=folders&pos=0&session_max_rows=30&disp_direction=horizontal&repeat_c ells=100&dontlimitchars=0&sql_query=SELECT++%2A+%0AFROM++%60folders%60++ORDE R+BY+%60name%60+ASC>name 1 0 0 parent 1 2 0 0 parent 2 3 0 0 parent 3 4 0 0 parent 4 5 0 0 parent 5 6 1 1 child of 1 7 3 1 child of 3 8 1 1 child 2 of 1 9 6 2 sub-child 1 10 6 2 sub-child 2 11 10 4 sub-sub 1 12 10 4 sub-sub 2 13 11 5 sub-sub-sub 1 Current code looks like this, the 2 subfunctions prints the branches, the main function below prints the root structure...: function count_children($parentID) { // count number of children in folder $count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_children FROM folders WHERE `parentID`='$parentID'"); $numrows = mysql_fetch_array($count); return $numrows['num_children']; } function print_children($parentID) { // print the branch of sub-folders $children = mysql_query("SELECT folderID,level,name FROM folders WHERE `parentID`='$parentID'"); while($child = mysql_fetch_array($children)) { $folderID = $child['folderID']; $name = $child['name']; $level = $child['level']; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { echo('·'); } echo("· <a href=\"test1.php?folderID=$folderID\">$name</a><br>\n"); // let's find children... recursive call !! if (count_children($folderID) > 0) { print_children($folderID); } } } // get root parents -- main tree function $parents = mysql_query("SELECT folderID,name FROM folders WHERE `parentID`='0'"); while($folder = mysql_fetch_array($parents)) { $folderID = $folder['folderID']; $name = $folder['name']; echo("· <a href=\"test1.php?folderID=$folderID\">$name</a><br>\n"); // let's find children... if (count_children($folderID) > 0) { print_children($folderID); } } The output of all this looks like this: · <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=1>parent 1 ·· <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=6>child of 1 ··· <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=9>sub-child 1 ··· <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=10>sub-child 2 ····· <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=11>sub-sub 1 ······ <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=13>sub-sub-sub 1 ····· <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=12>sub-sub 2 ·· <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=8>child 2 of 1 · <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=2>parent 2 · <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=3>parent 3 ·· <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=7>child of 3 · <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=4>parent 4 · <http://localhost/tests/tree%20structure/test1.php?folderID=5>parent 5 What I wanna do is make it possible to click on, say, 'sub-child 2', and have it a. expand the entire branch under 'parent 1' leading to 'sub-child 2', but not expand any other branches in the root structure, AND, b. have it not expand beyond showing the sub-folders of 'sub-child 2' One thing at a time, of course, figure out a. first, then b. shouldn't be all that difficult to handle (or what ?)... Last tree structure I did was mostly logical, not visual ... and it was done in VB long ago ... so it's not code that can be recycled... TIA Rene -- Rene Brehmer aka Metalbunny ~ If you don't like what I have to say ... don't read it ~ References, tools, and other useful stuff... -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: