Here is the source until something is returned by the first function call (first from top to bottom): <? session_start(); // Template-class require(''); // Some DB-Data $dbconn=@require getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT")."/conn.con"; if ($dbconn!=1) { sprintf("%s",$dbconn); exit(); } // DB-class & -Functions require('db_func.php'); $tpl = new Template(); $tpl->set_file("fi_login","./Tpl/login.tpl.html"); $tpl->set_var(array( "seitentitel" => "PAGETITLE", "farbe" => "blue", "meldungen" => "" )); ob_start(); if ($_POST['cmd_fislogin']) // $cmd_fislogin is the only button in loginscript { if (($_POST['fis_benutzername']!="") and ($_POST['fis_passwort']!="")) // Textfields: user & password { // Create DB-Connection $dbc = new db_con; // $con_ret is TRUE if DB-Connection could be established. $con_ret=$dbc->db_login($db_typ,$db_pfad,$db_name,$db_user,$db_passwort); // if the DB-Connection couldn't be established: echo an error. if ($con_ret!=1) { echo '<br>No DB-Con'.$dbc->db_errormessage; } . . . .... -- +++ GMX - die erste Adresse für Mail, Message, More +++ Bis 31.1.: TopMail + Digicam für nur 29 EUR -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: