I have a table named feature_sets with three values (plus keys): both, standard only or deluxe only. I designed it this way because for some features, such as the wood trim, there is an upgraded version (e.g. oak vs. pine), some features are common to both homes, and a couple are exclusive to the deluxe home.
I have my nested loop working so it lists the category then lists the features in that category in a bulleted list, but it's currently pulling out ALL of the features, not just the "all homes" and "deluxe" (which is the page I am working on. When I try to add an additional AND statement to limit the features to only those with 1 or 3 as their featureset_id, I end up with a list that has ALL the features showing up under each of the categories.
Is there a way that I can limit my query to just two of the three featureset IDs?
Any help would be much appreciated!
My code:
<?php require_once('[appropriate connection info here]');
$query_categories = "SELECT * FROM feature_categories"; $categories = mysql_query($query_categories) or die(mysql_error()); $row_categories = mysql_fetch_assoc($categories); $totalRows_categories = mysql_num_rows($categories); ?>
<?php do { ?>
<table width=100% class="featuretable">
<td><b><?php echo $row_categories['category'];
$query_features = "SELECT feature_description FROM features WHERE feature_category_id = ".$row_categories['feature_category_id']."";
$features = mysql_query($query_features) or die(mysql_error());
$row_features = mysql_fetch_assoc($features);
$totalRows_features = mysql_num_rows($features);
do { ?>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" class="featuretable">
<li><?php echo $row_features['feature_description']; ?></li></ul></td>
<?php } WHILE ($row_features = mysql_fetch_assoc($features));
} WHILE ($row_categories = mysql_fetch_assoc($categories));
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