Hello Nikos, Sunday, November 30, 2003, 10:29:19 AM, you wrote: NG> Can somebody tell me what is wrong with the following? NG> $body=eregi_replace("<a href=\"(.+)\"([^>]*)>(.+)</a>", "<a href=\"\\1\" NG> target=\"_blank\" class=\"down_txt\"><strong>\\3</strong></a>", $body); 1) /.+/ is too greedy. You should use something like /[^"]+/ or /.+?/ instead (second is supported only in Perl-compatible regexps). The best solution could be /[^'"]+?/ however. 2) /<a / doesn't match "\n" after "a". $body = preg_replace( '#<[Aa]\s[^>]*?[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff]\s*=\s*([\'"])([^\'">]+?)\1[^>]*?>' . '([^<]*?)</a[^>]*?>#s', '<A href="\2" target="_blank" class="down_txt">' . '<strong>\3</strong></a>', $body ); This regexp is not perfect, but I hope it has enough margin of safety, at least if your HTML code is more or less correct. E. g., all href values must be quoted and '<', '>', '"' and "'" without special meaning must be written as HTML entities. -- Best regards, Ivan mailto:johnny@xxxxxxxxxx -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php