I'm still pretty new to MySQL, OO PHP and Javascript. Wanted a couple of you to review the multidimensional array code and let me know if this code is ok? Also, would like for a couple of you to go to my webpage http://homepage.mac.com/ateam3/ateam3/freemain.htm and slide down to the "Some Work Examples:" and click on my test site. Give me a review on this demo and let me know your thoughts... only if you have some extra time. Wanting to hear from some of the intermediate and advanced programmers on where I'm at. Currently self-employed (actually unemployed, but want to stay positive) and debating on my next J-o-b vs current skills. Thanks to all in advance. :)
Code >>>
function getwstate()
$stateval = array( "0" => array ("AL", "Alabama"),
"1" => array ("AK", "Alaska"),
"2" => array ("AS", "American Samoa"),
"3" => array ("AZ", "Arizona"),
"4" => array ("AR", "Arkansas"),
"5" => array ("CA", "California"),
"6" => array ("CO", "Colorado"),
"7" => array ("CT", "Connecticut"),
"8" => array ("DE", "Delaware"),
"9" => array ("DC", "District of Columbia"),
"10" => array ("FM", "Fed. States of Micronesia"),
"11" => array ("FL", "Florida"),
"12" => array ("GA", "Georgia"),
"13" => array ("GU", "Guam"),
"14" => array ("HI", "Hawaii"),
"15" => array ("ID", "Idaho"),
"16" => array ("IL", "Illinois"),
"17" => array ("IN", "Indiana"),
"18" => array ("IA", "Iowa"),
"19" => array ("KS", "Kansas"),
"20" => array ("KY", "Kentucky"),
"21" => array ("LA", "Louisiana"),
"22" => array ("ME", "Maine"),
"23" => array ("MH", "Marshall Islands"),
"24" => array ("MD", "Maryland"),
"25" => array ("MA", "Massachusetts"),
"26" => array ("MI", "Michigan"),
"27" => array ("MN", "Minnesota"),
"28" => array ("MS", "Mississippi"),
"29" => array ("MO", "Missouri"),
"30" => array ("MT", "Montana"),
"31" => array ("NE", "Nebraska"),
"32" => array ("NV", "Nevada"),
"33" => array ("NH", "New Hampshire"),
"34" => array ("NJ", "New Jersey"),
"35" => array ("NM", "New Mexico"),
"36" => array ("NY", "New York"),
"37" => array ("NC", "North Carolina"),
"38" => array ("ND", "North Dakota"),
"39" => array ("MP", "Northern Mariana Is."),
"40" => array ("OH", "Ohio"),
"41" => array ("OK", "Oklahoma"),
"42" => array ("OR", "Oregon"),
"43" => array ("PW", "Palau"),
"44" => array ("PA", "Pennsylvania"),
"45" => array ("PR", "Puerto Rico"),
"46" => array ("RI", "Rhode Island"),
"47" => array ("SC", "South Carolina"),
"48" => array ("TN", "Tennessee"),
"49" => array ("TX", "Texas"),
"50" => array ("UT", "Utah"),
"51" => array ("VT", "Vermont"),
"52" => array ("VA", "Virginia"),
"53" => array ("VI", "Virgin Islands"),
"54" => array ("WA", "Washington"),
"55" => array ("WV", "West Virginia"),
"56" => array ("WI", "Wisconsin"),
"57" => array ("WY", "Wyoming") );
$stcnt = count($stateval);
echo '<select name="wstate" size="1" />';
if ($this->wstate == '')
echo '<option value="" selected>No Selection</option>';
for ($x = 0; $x < $stcnt; $x++)
echo '<option value="'.$stateval[$x][0].'">'.$stateval[$x][1].'</option>';
for ($x = 0; $x < $stcnt; $x++)
if ($stateval[$x][0] == $this->wstate)
echo '<option value="'.$stateval[$x][0].'" selected>'.$stateval[$x][1].'</option>';
echo '<option value="'.$stateval[$x][0].'">'.$stateval[$x][1].'</option>';
echo '</select>';
End of Code >>>
:) Gale L. Allen Jr Macintosh Support Specialist Phone: 919/412-5039 Homepage: http://homepage.mac.com/ateam3/Menu5.html iChat = ateam3@mac.com "Remember, It's only Rock 'n Roll, but I like it!" (: