Here's some functions I use in my development which save on connect and query calls for me. //General Purpose Utilities. //db_connect connects to the database server and selects the proper database. //Arguments: None //Returns: Nothing function db_connect() { mysql_pconnect("localhost","username","password"); mysql_select_db("Database"); } //db_query queries the database server and returns the results. //Arguments: SQL query string //Returns: Query results function db_query($query) { return mysql_query($query); } //db_fetch returns the next set of results from a db_query. //Arguments: db_query results variable //Returns: Next set of query results as an array or 0 if no further results are present function db_fetch($results) { return mysql_fetch_array($results); } //db_numrows returns the number of rows selected from a query. //Arguments: query result //Returns: number of rows in the query result function db_numrows($result) { return mysql_num_rows($result); } //Always connect to the database! db_connect(); Keep these in an include file. The db_connect(); goes at the bottom and keep the connection open during the routines. To call db_query you would use it like: $someQuery = db_query("SELECT * from someTable ...."); to get the results out of the query you would call db_fetch and use it like: $someResult = db_fetch($someQuery); If you needed to return an array you would use it with a while or for statement like: While ($someResult = db_fetch($someQuery)) { } If you needed to get the number of rows from the query you'd use like: numRows = db_numrows($someQuery); or if (db_numrows($someQuery) > ...) These are just some thing I use to make my life easier. Hope it helps -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: August 6, 2003 7:49 AM To: Cc: Subject: Re: Don't know why query works this way there are many ways to approach this. one is, select the db before any of this activity with mysql_select_db ("dbname") then you can run as many queries against this database as you want. Until you call that function again with another db name, mysql with _always_ run against that database. hth jd Michael Cortes <cortesm@fortlebo To:> cc: Subject: Don't know why query works this way 08/05/2003 11:35 PM Please respond to cortesm I have been writing my queries like this....... $link = mysql_connect ($host, $username, $password); $query = "insert into $table ('joe', 15)"; if ( mysql_db_query($dbname, $query, $link)) { } But then I was reading that I should use mysl_query instead of mysql_db_query. But I was having a problem with where do i put the $dbname. When I used: mysql_query ($dbname, $query, $link) I got an error message saying i had too many arguments. So I changed it to: mysql_query ($query, $link) I then got an error message saying it didn't know what database I was connected to. I finally got around the problem by including the database name in the query, like so: $query = "insert into $dbname.$table ('joe', 15)"; I shouldn't have to say, but this is a simplified example. I didn't want to include all the fields, tables, values that the true example has. The question is, am I doing this right? Do I have no choice but to retype the $dbname all over the place if I want to use "mysql_query"? Thank in advance for any help. -- Michael Cortes Fort LeBoeuf School District 34 East Ninth Street PO Box 810 Waterford PA 16441-0810 814.796.4795 -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: