why script only updating one table?

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Hi All,
I have a form that passes to select box array to my script. Select boxes
are named:
patternThreads[] and patternFabrics[]
My Script:
//Check to see if Threads were selected for this pattern
if ($patternThreads)
if (is_array($patternThreads))
                                $str_threads =
                                $str_threads = $patternThreads;
                $threadsArray = explode(",",$str_threads);
                for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($threadsArray);$i++) {
                                //Grab a listing of all threads
currently in the DB
                                //associated with the pattern
$allthreadsQuery = db_query("SELECT id FROM kcs_patternthreads WHERE
pattern_index='$id' AND thread_index=".escapeValue($threadsArray[$i]));
                                //Does a record already exist?
                                if (db_numrows($allthreadsQuery) < 1)
                                                //No? Insert a new
record for each new keyword selected
db_query("INSERT INTO kcs_patternthreads
(id,pattern_index,thread_index,avail) VALUES
                //Check to see if a thread was unchecked.
                //If so, delete entry from DB
$db_threads1 = db_query("SELECT * FROM kcs_patternthreads WHERE
                while($db_threads2 = db_fetch($db_threads1))
                $db_threads[] = $db_threads2[thread_index];
                foreach($db_threads AS $thread) {
                                if(!in_array($thread, $threadsArray))
db_query("DELETE FROM kcs_patternthreads WHERE pattern_index='$id' AND
//Check to see if fabrics were selected for this pattern
if ($patternFabrics)
                if (is_array($patternFabrics))
                                $str_fabrics =
                                $str_fabrics = $patternFabrics;
                $fabricsArray = explode(",",$str_fabrics);
                for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($fabricsArray);$i++) {
                                //Grab a listing of all fabrics
currently in the DB
                                //associated with the pattern
$allfabricsQuery = db_query("SELECT id FROM kcs_patternfabrics WHERE
pattern_index='$id' AND fabric_index=".escapeValue($fabricsArray[$i]));
                                //Does a record already exist?
                                if (db_numrows($allfabricsQuery) < 1)
                                                //No? Insert a new
record for each new keyword selected
db_query("INSERT INTO kcs_patternfabrics
(id,pattern_index,fabric_index,avail) VALUES
                //Check to see if a fabric was unchecked.
                //If so, delete entry from DB
$db_fabrics1 = db_query("SELECT * FROM kcs_patternfabrics WHERE
                while($db_fabrics2 = db_fetch($db_fabrics1))
                $db_fabrics[] = $db_fabrics2[fabric_index];
                foreach($db_fabrics AS $fabric) {
                                if(!in_array($fabric, $fabricsArray))
db_query("DELETE FROM kcs_patternfabrics WHERE pattern_index='$id' AND
The scrip is supposed to see if either select box contains data and then
process the data.
Does anyone understand why it would be updating only one table at a time
and not both at the same time? It should be updating both at the same
NOTE: if I remove the processing code for either select box it works
without problem. They just don't seem to work together.

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