Try again. Post the exact error you're getting (what you're getting is most likely just a Warning) and a _FEW_ lines around where the error is at. The exact error is: Notice: Undefined variable: Username on line 86 With the given error it mucks up my username/password form by putting incorrect html values in and around the form. So when I try and submit it it goes to a dead page that does not exist. (but on the linux server it works fine. The source I get when I view source from the borwse is: <Form Action="tiplogin.php" METHOD=POST><H2>User Name</H2><Input TYPE="text" Name="Username" Value=<br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: Username on line <b>86</b><br /> ><BR><H2>Password</H2><Input TYPE="password" Name="Password"><BR><Input Type="submit" Value="Submit"><Input Type="hidden" Name="redirect" Value="tip.php"></FORM> and my core source for that error of the page is: echo "<Form Action=\"tiplogin.php\" METHOD=POST>"; echo "<H2>User Name</H2>"; echo "<Input TYPE=\"text\" Name=\"Username\" Value=",$Username,">"; echo "<BR>"; echo "<H2>Password</H2>"; echo "<Input TYPE=\"password\" Name=\"Password\">"; echo "<BR>"; echo "<Input Type=\"submit\" Value=\"Submit\">"; echo "<Input Type=\"hidden\" Name=\"redirect\" Value=\"tip.php\">"; echo "</FORM>"; Maybe my php server side is not right or something, any suggestions? Jerry For the likely problem causing your "error" read the manual page on error reporting. ---John W. Holmes... Amazon Wishlist: PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy today. - Yahoo! Mobile - Check & compose your email via SMS on your Telstra or Vodafone mobile. -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: