Re: problem

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It appears to me that you have REGISTER GLOBALS set to OFF.  If that's the case,
you need to pre-pend each of your variables with $HTTP_POST_VARS or $_POST.  If
you're not concerned about the security issues raised by leaving globals on,
simply change that one item in your php.ini file.

Edward Dudlik
Becoming Digital

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ahmed Abdel-Aliem" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, 04 May, 2003 20:06
Subject:  problem

hi again,
i use php/mysql and i have a form to enter data into tables insiede the
the problem is when i click the submit botton it gives me that 1 row is
affected and when i check the database with phpmyadmin i find that all the
data processed in the new row is empty, so can anyone please tell me where
is the problem?
here is the insert script :
$name = addslashes($name);
$type = addslashes($type);
$date = addslashes($date);
$link = addslashes($link);
$cds = addslashes($cds);
$rate = addslashes($rate);
$cast = addslashes($cast);
$downloader = addslashes($downloader);
$downloaderlink = addslashes($downloaderlink);
@ $db = mysql_connect("localhost");
$query = "insert into newdvd (name, type, date, link, cds, rate, cast,
downloader, downloaderlink, subtitle) values ('".$name."', '".$type."', '"
$date."', '".$link."', '".$cds."', '".$rate."', '".$cast."', '".$downloader.
', '".$downloaderlink."', '".$subtitle."')";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result)
 echo mysql_affected_rows()." affected.";


i use ISS on windows xp professional and i face many problem with php.ini so can
anyone send me a modified one for the last version of php to avoid all these
errors !!

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