hi! The most dynamic way would be to use a little php-progg which returns an image like this (there are _many_ functions for image-manipulation: <?php header('Content-Type: iamge/jpeg'); $imgReal = ImageCreateFromJPEG($_GET['pic']); $x = ImagesX($imgReal); $y = ImagesY($imgReal); // use a percentage to make the pic smaller if(isset($_GET['percent'])) { $percent = (empty($_GET['percent'])) ? 15 : $_GET['percent']; $n_x = $percent/100 * $x; $n_y = $percent/100 * $y; } // use a maximum width (height is proportional) else { $maxWidth = (!isset($_GET['maxwidth'])||empty($_GET['maxwidth'])) ? 100 : $_GET['maxwidth']; $newX = $maxWidth; $newY = $newX * $y / $x; } $img = ImageCreateTrueColor($newX, $newY); ImageCopyResampled($img, $imgReal, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newX, $newY, $x, $y); ImageJPEG($img); ?> You have to access this script this way: <img src="ihavethecodeabove.php?pic=/path/to/file.jpg"> you have to remember that this script is called seperately by the browser so the path to the pics must be ok for this script! Remember that this requires enormous performance which _may_ cause long waiting times... hope this helps? .ma Dave Carrera <dave@ephgroup.com> wrote@04.05.2003 14:12 Uhr: > Hi all > > I am in need of advise on how I can auto create a thumbnail image file, of a > fixed size say 100x60, from my original upload image file uploaded to a set > path and then write both paths to my MySql table fields "s_img" for the > thumb and "l_img" for the large image. > > I am not storing the image to the db rather uploading them the two > directories . > > Any help with this will be very much appreciated and I thank anyone in > advance for any pointer or even better code examples > > Dave C > > --- > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). > Version: 6.0.476 / Virus Database: 273 - Release Date: 24/04/2003 > > > > -- > PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php > Matthias Steinböck Email: grillen@abendstille.at Web: http://www.abendstille.at Frühabendliches Webdesign. ------------------------------------------ Im Übrigen sind wir der Meinung, dass Platon immer schon Recht hatte: Gabeln links vom Teller, Messer rechts Und Löffel oben drüber. -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php