> Hello, > I have a display problem with one of my sites. > Because there is an big amount of information in the pages, which is > extracted from database, using IE browser I see only the background of > the site, and then, after a time, the whole page. > My client has recently requested to make something to improve the site > speed and display time. > So because all the site is done using the classes, and the information > is extracted through them, I reduced the instruction numbers, and I > compacted as much as I could the classes. But I still have the display > problem using IE browser : I see the background, and just after that I > see the whole site. > I mention that the classes are included, and the class function is > called through $this_class->function($parameters); Not all the classes > used in the page are called In the beginning; and another mention is > that the site pages contains 4 sections. Top, left, middle, & right. > > My question is: > Is there a way to display sequentially the site. After the background, > to display the first section (top), then left part, middle part and > right part after that ? > Again, the site loads like this : the background, then the whole page. > This doesn't matter if I use dial-up or T1. > My client saw, for example, that cnn or yahoo site loads sequentially. > Knowing that yahoo is done in php, I'm wondering how they did it. > > Thanks > Petre Nicoara Try flush() http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.flush.php HTH Rich -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php