Hi, We are accepting Detailed description of the item in <Textarea></Textarea>. Is there any function which can return full words without breaking the lines. The data is stored in a PostgreSQL database in varchar field. item_detail_description varchar(200) I am assuming that the user need not press the 'enter' key at the end of each line. Hence by using the 'carriage return' code this function cannot be written. I was interested in knowing if any such function already exists. Thanks in advance. Peace -- Rajesh : ####[ GNU/Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]####################### Sub : Locating a command (whereis) LOST #126 To locate the binary, source, and manual page for a command, try : whereis <command> [e.g. whereis man]. See man pages for detailed filter options) For merely knowing where it lies: which <command> ####<mithun.b@egurucool.com>################################## : -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php