Part of the problem is $insertGoTo = "booking_details.php?email=".HTTP_POST_VARS["email"].""; should be $insertGoTo = "booking_details.php?email="$HTTP_POST_VARS["email"].""; -----Original Message----- From: Terry L. Ensley [] Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 7:53 PM To: Subject: access mysql db with DW I created a database in mysql - running php via apache on a XP os. I get a good connection in dreamweaver with the database panel - no problems connecting and viewing tables in dw. I created a form that I want to load the user info to the table. My run line is: ttp:// - the page shows blank - in the view source I get a basic shell of html - <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></HEAD> <BODY></BODY></HTML> That's it! - the path is good - I loaded some other php files that work in there and they run fine. My phpMyAdmin works great - So I know the localhost connection is good and php is working and mysql is fine I can access it through phpMyAdmin or dw in database panel, those parts are working. So there is obviously something wrong with my add_user.php file (the one that won't work). Now DW has put the connection variables in my code - can anyone tell me what is wrong? - hopefully. This was all created with DW. And here is what is in the connHotel.php file: <?php # FileName="Connection_php_mysql.htm" # Type="MYSQL" # HTTP="true" $hostname_connHotel = ""; $database_connHotel = "dwhotel"; $username_connHotel = "root"; $password_connHotel = "t4540"; $connHotel = mysql_pconnect($hostname_connHotel, $username_connHotel, $password_connHotel) or die(mysql_error()); ?> Thanks - This is just the php part - the html form part goes below - I didn't want to lload too much. <?php require_once('../Connections/connHotel.php'); ?> <?php function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { $theValue = (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? addslashes($theValue) : $theValue; switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "long": case "int": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "double": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "date": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "defined": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue; break; } return $theValue; } $editFormAction = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'])) { $editFormAction .= "?" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING']; } if ((isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["MM_insert"])) && ($HTTP_POST_VARS["MM_insert"] == "userform")) { $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO clients (title, firstname, lastname, address1, address2, town, province, postcode, email) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($HTTP_POST_VARS['title'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($HTTP_POST_VARS['firstname'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($HTTP_POST_VARS['lastname'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($HTTP_POST_VARS['address1'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($HTTP_POST_VARS['address2'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($HTTP_POST_VARS['town'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($HTTP_POST_VARS['province'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($HTTP_POST_VARS['postcode'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($HTTP_POST_VARS['email'], "text")); mysql_select_db($database_connHotel, $connHotel); $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $connHotel) or die(mysql_error()); $insertGoTo = "booking_details.php?email=".HTTP_POST_VARS["email"].""; if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'])) { $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?"; $insertGoTo .= $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING']; } header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo)); } ?> -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: