Hey all, I'm trying to get my head around checkboxes. I can insert "checked" checkboxes into a DB no problem but I get an error when the checkboxes are unchecked. I've used the following to try and handle unchecked checkboxes but I still get the error "query was empty" can anyone point me in the right direction? $number=count($GiftWrapping); for($a=0;$a<$number;$a++) { echo $GiftWrapping[$a]; if ( empty( $GiftWrapping ) ) { $GW = 'N'; } INSERT INTO DB CODE HERE GiftWrapping = '$GW'"; } Cheers in advance, Graeme :) Public Sub House() On Error Resume drink If Pint.empty = True Then Pint.refill Else Pint.drink End if stomach.add Pint MsgBox " I've had .... " & stomach.count & " Pints" MsgBox "VERY DRUNK" End Sub