Your 2 options: 1. Use HTACCESS to do a rewrite so that you are showing .html extensions and pulling from PHP files. 2. Write files to a writable directory. In this case the function you're looking for is fopen(). -- Joe On Jun 28, 2009, at 10:44 PM, Imran wrote: > > Friends, > How to create pure html pages using PHP? > > I mean, if we use php then every time the users access the web > pages and > server has to run php script to fetch data and display it. > > But, we want to generate html pages first, and the users will view > these > html pages (we may generate these pages once a day). > > I know how to do it using PHP, XML, XSL. > > I want to know more about any other way to do it easily. > > Regards, [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]