I've had problems with images before and the issue was the file type. In FF, jpeg images show a file type of "image/jpeg" and in IE an uploaded jpeg file image has a file type of "image/pjpeg", So, if the FF browser won't handle the MIME type of "image/pjpeg" then it won't show the image. You may wish to do something like: switch ($file_type){ case "image/jpeg": case "image/pjpeg": header("content-type: image/jpeg"); break; case "image/gif": header("content-type: image/gif"); break; ..... etc..... } Then serve the file up. On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 1:32 PM, HodgesC_Yah <chodges@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote: > Hello: > > Maybe someone can help me with this. I'm providing my site the > ability to upload images. But the code I'm using will only display > the images in IE. Firefox and Safari don't show anything. Anyone > have any ideas why? > > function uploadTemp() > { > $uploaddir = getcwd()."/tmp_images/"; > $uploadfile = $uploaddir . > basename($_FILES['uploadheadshot']['name']); > move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadheadshot']['tmp_name'], > $uploadfile); > > $fileName = $_FILES['uploadheadshot']['name']; > $fileSize = $_FILES['uploadheadshot']['size']; > $fileType = $_FILES['uploadheadshot']['type']; > > $fp = fopen($uploadfile, 'r'); > $content = fread($fp, filesize($uploadfile)); > fclose($fp); > > //Now before we return it lets resize it if necessary > $ht = $_REQUEST["height"]; > > if(strlen($ht) > 0) > { > $im = imagecreatefromstring($content); > $width = imagesx($im); > $height = imagesy($im); > > if((int)$height > (int)$ht) > { > // Set thumbnail-height to what as passed in > $imgh = (int)$ht; > // calculate thumbnail-height from given width to maintain > aspect ratio > $imgw = $width / $height * $imgh; > // create new image using thumbnail-size > $thumb=imagecreatetruecolor($imgw,$imgh); > // copy original image to thumbnail > > > imagecopyresampled($thumb,$im,0,0,0,0,$imgw,$imgh,ImageSX($im),ImageSY($im)); > > header("Content-Type: {$fileType}"); > // Output the image > imagejpeg($thumb,NULL,100); > imagedestroy($thumb); > return; > } > } > > if (!empty($content)) > { > // Output the MIME header > header("Content-Type: {$fileType}"); > // Output the image > echo $content; > } > else > { > echo "<html><body>Error</body></html>"; > } > } > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]