Hello: Maybe someone can help me with this. I'm providing my site the ability to upload images. But the code I'm using will only display the images in IE. Firefox and Safari don't show anything. Anyone have any ideas why? function uploadTemp() { $uploaddir = getcwd()."/tmp_images/"; $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['uploadheadshot']['name']); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadheadshot']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile); $fileName = $_FILES['uploadheadshot']['name']; $fileSize = $_FILES['uploadheadshot']['size']; $fileType = $_FILES['uploadheadshot']['type']; $fp = fopen($uploadfile, 'r'); $content = fread($fp, filesize($uploadfile)); fclose($fp); //Now before we return it lets resize it if necessary $ht = $_REQUEST["height"]; if(strlen($ht) > 0) { $im = imagecreatefromstring($content); $width = imagesx($im); $height = imagesy($im); if((int)$height > (int)$ht) { // Set thumbnail-height to what as passed in $imgh = (int)$ht; // calculate thumbnail-height from given width to maintain aspect ratio $imgw = $width / $height * $imgh; // create new image using thumbnail-size $thumb=imagecreatetruecolor($imgw,$imgh); // copy original image to thumbnail imagecopyresampled($thumb,$im,0,0,0,0,$imgw,$imgh,ImageSX($im),ImageSY($im)); header("Content-Type: {$fileType}"); // Output the image imagejpeg($thumb,NULL,100); imagedestroy($thumb); return; } } if (!empty($content)) { // Output the MIME header header("Content-Type: {$fileType}"); // Output the image echo $content; } else { echo "<html><body>Error</body></html>"; } }