Hi all we have the fallowing requirement we are getting the today date using $currenttime=date("d-m-Y H"); fuction and split the date and time using $splitdatetime = explode(" ", $currenttime); and spilt the date as date month year using $splitdate = explode("-", $date); what the problem we are facing is when we want to add 7days, 1month, 1year to splitted date month year values we used the fallowing code for adda week $month = $splitdate[1]; $month1=$month+1; $monthday =date("d-m-Y H", mktime($day,$month1,$year, $hour)); echo "month is".$monthday ."<br>"; please tell some solution fallowing is the total code ------------------------------ <?php $currenttime=date("d-m-Y H"); echo "current time is ". //Expire in hours $expirehour = 48; //Split Time & Date $splitdatetime = explode(" ", $currenttime); $date = $splitdatetime[0]; $time = $splitdatetime[1]; echo "dayte is".$date."<br>"; echo "time is".$time."<br>"; //Split Date $splitdate = explode("-", $date); $day = $splitdate[0]; $month = $splitdate[1]; $year = $splitdate[2]; $day1=$day+7; $month1=$month+1; $year1=$year+1; echo "day is".$day1."<br>"; echo "month is".$month1."<br>"; echo "year is".$year1."<br>"; //Split Time $splittime = explode(":", $time); $hour = $splittime[0]; echo "hours are" .$hour; //When does the time expire ? //$weekday = date("d-m-Y H", mktime($hour,$month,$day+$week1,$year)); $weekday =date("d-m-Y H", mktime($day1,$month,$year, $hour)); //$weekday =date("d-m-Y H", mktime(25,03,2009, $hour)); echo "weekday is".$weekday."<br>"; $monthday =date("d-m-Y H", mktime($day,$month1,$year, $hour)); echo "month is".$monthday ."<br>"; $yearday = date("d-m-Y H", mktime($day,$month,$year1, $hour)); echo "year is".$yearday ."<br>"; echo "printing mktime<br>"; //echo date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 10+1, 32, 1997)); ?>