Below is the script i am trying to get all the links, If I populate 20 rows and run the script, only some link names are listed, listed links, links.php?process=&page=2 links.php?process=&page=6 what i need is, links.php?process=&page=1 links.php?process=&page=2 links.php?process=&page=3 links.php?process=&page=4 links.php?process=&page=5 links.php?process=&page=6 If you need any further details tell me. Looking forward for some solution $all_url=array('http://localhost/links.php'); echo '<h3>All url in the site ....</h3>'; $max=1;//dimension of $all_url+1 for($i=0;$i<$max;$i++) { $url=$all_url[$i]; echo $url ; echo '<br/>'; getLinks($url);//function finding URL on thr page } // You can use your own script to get the links if you are using php4. function getLinks($link) { $link; global $max; global $all_url; $dom = new domDocument; @$dom->loadHTML(file_get_contents($link)); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a'); foreach ($links as $tag) { $all_url[]=$tag->getAttribute('href'); $max++; } } //links.php $rows_per_page = 3; $page_num = 1; if(isset($_GET['page'])) $page_num = $_GET['page']; $offset = ($page_num - 1) * $rows_per_page; $list_links_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM links_table ORDER BY link_id DESC LIMIT $offset, $rows_per_page"); if(mysql_num_rows($list_links_res) >0) { $main_content = "<table border='0' width='60%' class='table_paging' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr><th>Sl.No.</th> <th>Link</th> </tr>"; $sl_no=$offset; while($list_links_ret = mysql_fetch_assoc($list_links_res)) { $sl_no++; $links = $list_links_ret['links']; $main_content .= "<tr><td>$sl_no</td> <td>$links</td> </tr>"; } $query_total_page_RES = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS max_page FROM links_table"); $query_total_page_RET = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_total_page_RES); $total_page = $query_total_page_RET['max_page']; $max_page = ceil($total_page/$rows_per_page); $page_links = getPagingNumbers("links.php?process=$process", $page_num, $max_page); $main_content .="</table> <table align='center'> <tr><td> $page_links </td></tr> </table>"; } //getPagingNumbers function getPagingNumbers($self, $page_num, $max_page) { if($max_page >1) { if($page_num > 1) { $page = $page_num - 1; $first = "<a href='$self&page=1'>[First]</a>"; $prev = "<a href='$self&page=$page'>[Prev]</a>"; } else { $prev = '[Prev]'; $first = '[First]'; } if($page_num < $max_page) { $page = $page_num + 1; $next = "<a href='$self&page=$page'>[Next]</a>"; $last = "<a href='$self&page=$max_page'>[Last]</a>"; } else { $next = '[Next]'; $last = '[Last]'; } return $content= "<div> $first $prev $next $last </div>"; } }