Hi dear, Use this class... make an object of the class and pass the required parameters. Thats all. i hav'nt test it but while looking to it, hopefully will work fine. This class is not written by me but copy from phpclasses for you due to time limit :) This is written by Shijit, for any query plz contact him on phpclasses. Thanks <?php /**** File name : pagination.class.php Description : Class file which creates the pagination . Author : Shijith. M Date : 6th August 2008 ****/ class pagination { var $fullresult; // record set that contains whole result from database var $totalresult; // Total number records in database var $query; // User passed query var $resultPerPage; //Total records in each pages var $resultpage; // Record set from each page var $pages; // Total number of pages required var $openPage; // currently opened page /* @param - User query @param - Total number of result per page */ function createPaging($query,$resultPerPage) { $this->query = $query; $this->resultPerPage= $resultPerPage; $this->fullresult = mysql_query($this->query); $this->totalresult = mysql_num_rows($this->fullresult); $this->pages = $this->findPages($this- >totalresult,$this->resultPerPage); if(isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page']>0) { $this->openPage = $_GET['page']; if($this->openPage > $this->pages) { $this->openPage = 1; } $start = $this->openPage*$this->resultPerPage-$this- >resultPerPage; $end = $this->resultPerPage; $this->query.= " LIMIT $start,$end"; } elseif($_GET['page']>$this->pages) { $start = $this->pages; $end = $this->resultPerPage; $this->query.= " LIMIT $start,$end"; } else { $this->openPage = 1; $this->query .= " LIMIT 0,$this->resultPerPage"; } $this->resultpage = mysql_query($this->query); } /* function to calculate the total number of pages required @param - Total number of records available @param - Result per page */ function findPages($total,$perpage) { $pages = intval($total/$perpage); if($total%$perpage > 0) $pages++; return $pages; } /* function to display the pagination */ function displayPaging() { $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if($this->openPage<=0) { $next = 2; } else { $next = $this->openPage+1; } $prev = $this->openPage-1; $last = $this->pages; if($this->openPage > 1) { echo "<a href=$self?page=1>First</a>  "; echo "<a href=$self?page=$prev>Prev</a>  "; } else { echo "First  "; echo "Prev  "; } for($i=1;$i<=$this->pages;$i++) { if($i == $this->openPage) echo "$i  "; else echo "<a href=$self?page=$i>$i</a>  "; } if($this->openPage < $this->pages) { echo "<a href=$self?page=$next>Next</a>  "; echo "<a href=$self?page=$last>Last</a>  "; } else { echo "Next  "; echo "Last  "; } } } ?> --- In php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "embroidtiger2008" <moinrazzaq@...> wrote: > > I was asking about PHP Paging Concept that how to do that sorry for > confusion. > > Still waiting for ur replies. > > Moin. >