while you are using AJAX so is there are really any way to preload images. i think it's better use show/hide technique rather then AJAX. moreover, if the targeted visitors are using high speed internet connection then both are fine and may be we can remove the preload pain. Moreover, i want to mean by show/hide technique: load all images from the database while loading the page. in addition, during mouse over use div.show() or div.hide() technique to view expected image. thanks, Aminul On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 1:47 AM, ITP Vision Promotion <itpvision@xxxxxxxxx>wrote: > Hello > I have a main page containing an ajax file inside > inside the ajax file, small and large images are retrived from a mysql > database, the large images are inside a hidden div, onmouseover on the > small pic, the hidden frame is visible and the large image appears, > there is also a pagination inside the ajax file to show the next 12 images > > I need to make sure the large images are preloaded, the site is still > offline, i am worried that online onmouseover, the largeimage wont > appear cause it is not loaded yet > > I need to make sure the large images are prelaoded > Many Thanks > > > -- Md. Aminul Islam http://www.shopno-dinga.com Mob: 8801671670797 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]