It should be INSERT into table rather than REPLACE into --- In php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Vishal Subandh" <vishal.subandh@...> wrote: > > Hi folks, > > I have an excel sheet with approximately 48 collumns and 48 rows. I > have converted that file to CSV format. > > All that I need is a simple MySQL query that uploads this data from > the CSV to PHPMyAdmin. I am currently using the query stated below but > it does not work efficiently for me. Do you guys recomend any > alterations or poropose a new approach to wirte the query stated > below. > > mysql_query('LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "test.csv" REPLACE INTO TABLE user > FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," LINES TERMINATED BY "\\r\\n";') or die ('Error > loading data file.<br>' . mysql_error()); > > Appreciate your help > > Kind regards, > > Vishal >