Re: Import a non CSV excel data to database.

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You can add these line end of your select sentences  , 

For example :

Select * from test 

into outfile 'c:/outfile.tet'
fields Terminated by  ','
Enclosed by '"'
start by "
Terminated by '\r\n';


This top syntax make one txt file , Simple  you change the txt to CVS by rename command 

Now is ready to import to execle . 

Seyed Ali Jamali
Sr. Java Developer 
Photint Venture Group FZ LLC
Suite 316 , DIC 2 
Dubai Internet City
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----- Original Message ----
From: SUBASH B <subash_tvmalai@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, August 1, 2008 9:17:23 AM
Subject:  Import a non CSV excel data to database.


  I have a Sales Data in Excel Sheet, i want to import that data to database, i cannot convert the file to CSV.  Please see the attached for the sample data in Excel format. 

Please give some idea to achieve this !


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