Hi All Here is my code i m getting the domdocument::domdocument() expects parameter 2 to be long error at $doc=new DomDocument('1.0','UTF-8'); line plz tell me some solution. Thanks & Regards malayappa <?php //complete "station\sqlexpress" with your particular case $SERVER = "."; //$SERVER = "localhost"; $ADMIN_NAME = "sa"; //complete pass with your pass $ADMIN_PASS = "nanna"; //complete database witht the name of database you whant to connect to $DATABASE = "Northwind"; $Conexion = mssql_connect($SERVER, $ADMIN_NAME, $ADMIN_PASS) or die ("Can't connect to Microsoft SQL Server"); if($Conexion) { echo "database connected successfully".$Conexion."<br>"; } mssql_select_db($DATABASE, $Conexion) or die ("Can't connect to Database"); echo "conneted"; $result=mssql_query("select *from Customers"); echo "data selected"; echo "<pre>"; /*while ( $record = mssql_fetch_array($result) ) { //print_r($record); echo $record['CompanyName']."<br>"; } echo "</pre>"; */ $i=0; while ($record = mssql_fetch_array($result)){ foreach($record as $key => $value) { $resultArray[$i][$key]=$value; echo $resultArray[$i][$key]."<br>"; } $i++; } $doc=new DomDocument('1.0','UTF-8'); ?>