Hello, on 01/15/2008 06:37 PM abhishek jain said the following: > Hi Friends, > I fear that this email may be offtopic but it might be helpful to the group as well, > I am facing a common problem, i need to send an email campaign (HTML) and it have some images , this is critical to the delivery , i know if i link the images in normal way it will not be displayed automatically as the major email providers block the images displayed by default, > Is there a way like attaching the images and then they get displayed in the HTML , if i attach then what will be the link url ? > Pl. reply, this will be a help, Yes, you can embed images or any other files in the message to be displayed as related parts to the HTML message. This is a bit complicated but you can simplify the problem using a ready to use class like the MIME message class. Take a look in particular to the test_html_mail_message.php . http://www.phpclasses.org/mimemessage -- Regards, Manuel Lemos PHP professionals looking for PHP jobs http://www.phpclasses.org/professionals/ PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP http://www.phpclasses.org/