Dear Abhishek, Unfortunally I cannot get to the errorlogs. Below you find the code I used which works on my windows and linux but not on the remote freeBSD server, I cannot find te problem hopefully you can. I would be iternaly greatful if you could help me to solve this probelem. ***********************************[THE CODE}********************************************************************** <? $cat = $_GET['cty']; $char = $_GET['sc']; setcookie("redirpage","clp.php?cty=$cat&sc=$char", time()+300); //The includes, top2out.php contains the flsh and the reltive stylesheets //which can be found in the roo in the map css include('../../includes/top2out.php'); include('../../includes/dbconnect.php'); include('../../includes/color.php'); //======================== HET ALFABET MENU ===============================> //The top-pages which is included ends with </tr>. It is in a table with //three columns, so this line is include to put the data is put in //the second column with a white background echo "<tr><td></td><td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" align=\"center\" valign=\"center\">"; //This wil include the alfabitical menu include("../../includes/alf.php"); //=========================================================================> echo "</center><br><br> <table border='0' width=100% height=100%> <tr> <td align='center'> <!wrapper><table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width=80%> <td>"; //====================== De 36 plaatjes =======================================> //Here the pictures are collected out the databse if (!$char) { echo "<!t1><table border='0'> <tr> <td width=485 align=left valign=\"top\" colspan=6> <center> <div class='ttl'> Latest Clips </div> </center> </td> </tr> <tr align=left valign=top>"; //================ RIJ 1 ==============================================> $query = "SELECT * FROM tbclp where catid='$cat' ORDER BY clpdate DESC limit 60"; $data = mysql_query($query); $rows = mysql_num_rows($data); $clpid=array(); $a_arname=array(); $a_clprname=array(); $a_clpdate=array(); for($x=1;$x<=mysql_num_rows($data);$x++) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($data); $clpid[] = $row[0]; $clpcat = $row[1]; $artid = $row[2]; list($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7) = explode("_",$row[3]); $clpn = "$c1 $c2 $c3 $c4 $c5 $c6 $c7 $c8"; $a_clpname[$x] = ucfirst(strtolower($clpn)); $clpdate = $row[6]; $queryartinf = "SELECT * from tbart where id='$artid'"; $datart = mysql_query($queryartinf); $rows = mysql_num_rows($datart); $rowart = mysql_fetch_row($datart); $artchar = $rowart[2]; $artname1 = $rowart[3]; $artname2 = split("_", $artname1); $artname3 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[0])); $artname4 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[1])); $artname5 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[2])); $artname6 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[3])); $artname7 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[4])); $artname8 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[5])); $a_arname[$x] = "$artname3 $artname4 $artname5 $artname6 $artname7 $artname8"; $path = "../../data/CID$clpcat/$artchar/$artname1/clp/$row[3].3gp"; //$a_clpsize [$x] = ceil(filesize($path) / 1024); } //===============================================================> //The artists name above the pictures for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++) { echo "<tr>"; for($j=1;$j<=6;$j++) { $n=6*($i-1)+($j); echo" <td height=30 width=81 align=center valign=top bgcolor=$colart> <div align=\"center\"> <a href=\"dlclp.php?clid=$clpid[$n]\" class=\"art-l\"> $a_arname[$n] </a> </div> </td>"; if($j==6) echo "</tr><tr>"; } //=============================================================> //The artists pictures for($j=1;$j<=6;$j++) { $n=6*($i-1)+($j); echo" <td height=30 width=81 align=center valign=top bgcolor=$colart> <a href=\"dlclp.php?clid=$clpid\"> <img src=\"../../pic.php?clid=$clpid[$n]\" ALT=\"No.$clpid[$n] $a_arname[$n] $a_clpname[$n] $clpsize KB\" width=62 height=52 border=0> </a></td>"; if($j==6) echo "</tr><tr>"; } //========================================================================> //The artists song below the pictures for($j=1;$j<=6;$j++) { $n=6*($i-1)+($j); echo" <td height=70 width=81 align=center valign=top bgcolor=$colsng> <div align=\"center\"> <a href=\"dlclp.php?clid=$clpid\" class=\"sng-l\">"; echo str_replace("_","", $a_clpname[$n]); echo" </a> </div> </td>"; } } echo "<!et1></table></td><td>"; //*********************************************************************************** { //================ TOP 10 ================================================> $query = "SELECT * FROM tbclp where catid='$cat' ORDER BY clpdwnld DESC limit 10"; $data = mysql_query($query); $rows = mysql_num_rows($data); echo " <table border='0' > <tr align=left valign=top> <! The vertical line between the latest clips and the top 10 > <td width='100' rowspan=32></td> <td width='1' bgcolor='$collne' rowspan=32></td> <td width='100' rowspan=32></td> <td> <center> <div class='ttl'> Top 10 </div> </center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>"; for($x=1;$x<=mysql_num_rows($data);$x++) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($data); $clpid = $row[0]; $clpcat = $row[1]; $artid = $row[2]; list($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7) = explode("_",$row[3]); $clpn = "$c1 $c2 $c3 $c4 $c5 $c6 $c7 $c8"; $clpname = ucfirst(strtolower($clpn)); $clpdate = $row[6]; $clpcnt = ($x +8); $queryartinf = "SELECT * from tbart where id='$artid'"; $datart = mysql_query($queryartinf); $rows = mysql_num_rows($datart); $rowart = mysql_fetch_row($datart); $artchar = $rowart[2]; $artname1 = $rowart[3]; $artname2 = split("_", $artname1); $artname3 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[0])); $artname4 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[1])); $artname5 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[2])); $artname6 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[3])); $artname7 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[4])); $artname8 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[5])); $arname = "$artname3 $artname4 $artname5 $artname6 $artname7 $artname8"; $path = "../../data/CID$clpcat/$artchar/$artname1/clp/$row[3].3gp"; //$clpsize = ceil(filesize($path) / 1024); echo" <tr> <td height=30 align=center valign=top bgcolor=$colart> <div align=\"center\"> <a href=\"dlclp.php?clid=$clpid\" class=\"art-l\"> $arname </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=\"dlclp.php?clid=$clpid\"> <img src=\"../../pic.php?clid=$clpid\" ALT=\"pic.php?clid=$clpid No.$x $arname"; echo str_replace("_","", $clpname); echo" $clpsize KB\" width=62 height=52 border=0> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height='70' align=center valign=top bgcolor=$colsng> <div align=\"center\"> <a href=\"dlclp.php?clid=$clpid\" class=\"sng-l\">"; echo str_replace("_","", $clpname); echo" </a> </div> </td> </tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } //================ CATS =========================================> } if ($char) { $query = "SELECT * FROM tbart where catid='$cat' and artchar='$char' ORDER BY artname"; $data = mysql_query($query); $rows = mysql_num_rows($data); if ($rows == "") { echo "<center> <div class='nop'> There are no wallpapers in this folder </div> </center> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";include('../../down.php');die(); } for($x=1;$x<=mysql_num_rows($data);$x++) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($data); $artid = $row[0]; $clpcat = $row[1]; $artname1 = $row[3]; $artname2 = split("_", $artname1); $artname3 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[0])); $artname4 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[1])); $artname5 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[2])); $artname6 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[3])); $artname7 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[4])); $artname8 = ucfirst(strtolower($artname2[5])); $artname = "$artname3 $artname4 $artname5 $artname6 $artname7 $artname8"; echo " <a href=\"../../art.php?arid=$artid\" class='white'> $artname </a><br>"; } echo "<br><br>"; } echo " </tr> </td> <tr> <td colspan=2> <br><br> <center> <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cty=1\" class='alf-l'>Arabic</a> - <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cty=2\" class='alf-l'>R&B - <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cty=6\" class='alf-l'>HipHop - <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cty=4\" class='alf-l'>Pop - <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cty=5\" class='alf-l'>Latin - <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cty=7\" class='alf-l'>Indian - <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cty=3\" class='alf-l'>Rap - <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cty=8\" class='alf-l'>French Rap"; echo " </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td>"; //=========================================================================================> echo " </td> </tr>"; ?> <?include('../../includes\down-lgl-nw.php');?> ***************************************[ END ]******************************************************************** ----- Original Message ---- From: abhishek jain <ejaincom@xxxxxxxxx> To: php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2007 11:40:51 PM Subject: Re: php shows up empty Hi, In most probability you have error on your PHP script. Some syntax error or like. Pl. check your error logs.This might give you some indication of what to fix. Also give us detail of your system and we might tell you where the error log is located. -- Regards, Abhishek jain ----- Original Message ---- From: uhibullura <uhibullura@yahoo. com> To: php-objects@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2007 1:11:40 AM Subject: php shows up empty Hello dear Php'ers I havea problem with a php page, everytime I call it it presents me with an empty page, with only <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/ /EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META http-equiv=Content- Type content="text/ html; charset=windows- 1252"></HEAD> <BODY></BODY> </HTML> as if have only made an empty php-page, I cannot figure out what the problem is, can anyone help me. (I have made a test page with only <?php ?> run it and it gave me the exact same result) I am sure that I am overloking somthing since I am still learning php Thanks! Roland ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games. proddesc? gamekey=monopoly herenow [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Send instant messages to your online friends [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]