I know, probaly off topic, but there's not a great deal of traffic, and I can't find another email list for laravel. Also, the discord/stackoverflow sites haven't been helpful (yet). So, I'm doing a sort post here.
Starting to figure out how to create a webApp, based on laravel/mysql/etc. I'm starting at the beginning -- as in, teach me how to spell PHP! (ok, not that bad...)
I'm currently looking over a bunch of tutorials, as well as numerous Github Repos.
I've got a bunch of questions, and realize, I really need to find someone for a short term Gig.
If anyone here has the php/laravel skills to build something like "invoiceninja/snipe-it/etc, let's discuss. I'm not looking to create anything like these apps, but if you have the skills to deal with these apps, you're more than able to guide me, offer me assistance, etc.
To give you an idea of what I'm trying to figure out...
Say there's a frontside/page with a textArea, or select/option list. How can I have a textArea (A) that I can insert text into, followed by selecting a "btn", that would then insert the "text" into another textArea (B), at the same time, how could I insert this into the srvrside TBL...
To kick this up a notch.. let's say I wanted to do the same thing, except, I wanted to place the test "text" in two(2) diff textAreas (B) and (C)...
I'm missing a bunch of things in trying to do this simple test.
In a basic php/html/js.. One could employ the js to trigger off the "selBTN" and run a func to use the dom, and change the "text" of the dom for the B/C textareas..
If you have the skills for this, let me know!
reach me directly if you're interested, just in case others might find this to be against the list rules. Also, if you know someone who might fii, pass the msg along!
thanks again.