Re: laravel/php questions

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My search for "laravel model factory" returned me this documentation

which has pretty much everything I know about factories.

On Sun, Feb 23, 2025 at 9:05 AM Richard <inbound-lists-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025 23:13:47 -0500
> From: bruce <badouglas@xxxxxxxxx>
> Trying to wrap my brain around various laravel examples/sites. Lots
> of testing/trial/error processes.
> In a file, the file has
>  use HasFactory <<<
> but I can't find anything yet that explains exactly what this does,
> why i might need it, can it be removed, etc..
> It appears its a testing helper and could be removed.

Have you tried searching for information on this? My search for:

  HasFactory laravel

turns up:

  php - Laravel what is use HasFactory? - Stack Overflow

as the first result, along with a raft of other -  seemingly related
- items.

I don't use laravel, but if you don't want to go through the
documentation - as others have recommended - searching for things
would seem to be the next option/approach.

Also, laravel really has nothing to do with PHP, except that they
used PHP to write the framework [it could be written in PERL for all
that matters]. So an application-specific question is at best tangent
to a PHP-specific list. Finding a laravel-specific list/forum to ask
your questions will likely get you more targeted responses.
Regardless, you still need to show that you're putting in the work to
understand your problems/issues.

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