sort output per alpha-numeric?

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I have a set of tables that looks like this:

\d portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc
       Table "public.portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc"
        Column         |  Type  | Collation | Nullable | Default  
portfolio_sc_images_id | bigint |           | not null |  
print_type_id          | bigint |           | not null |  
print_size_id          | bigint |           | not null |  
   "portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (portfolio_sc_images_id, print_type_id, print_size_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
   "portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc_portfolio_sc_images_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (portfolio_sc_images_id) REFERENCES portfolio_
   "portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc_print_size_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (print_size_id) REFERENCES print_sizes(print_size_id)
   "portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc_print_type_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (print_type_id) REFERENCES print_types(print_type_id)

\d print_sizes
                                            Table "public.print_sizes"
   Column     |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                      Default                        
print_size_id | bigint                 |           | not null | nextval('print_sizes_print_size_id_seq'::regclass)
print_size    | character varying(100) |           |          |  
   "print_sizes_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (print_size_id)
Referenced by:
   TABLE "portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc" CONSTRAINT "portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc_print_size_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (
print_size_id) REFERENCES print_sizes(print_size_id)

\d print_types
                                            Table "public.print_types"
   Column     |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                      Default                        
print_type_id | bigint                 |           | not null | nextval('print_types_print_type_id_seq'::regclass)
print_type    | character varying(100) |           |          |  
   "print_types_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (print_type_id)
Referenced by:
   TABLE "portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc" CONSTRAINT "portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc_print_type_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (
print_type_id) REFERENCES print_types(print_type_id)
   TABLE "print_finishes" CONSTRAINT "print_finishes_print_type_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (print_type_id) REFERENCES print_types(pr

Below are the table contents.

When I run this query:

select print_size from print_sizes where print_size_id in (select print_size_id from portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc
where portfolio_sc_images_id = 1 and print_type_id = (select print_type_id from print_types where print_type = 'Loose Fine Art
Print')) order by print_size asc;

I get a list like this:

(7 rows)

I want the displayed print_size to be ordered by size (8x10, then 11x14, etc)

Is there an easy way to do this?

Thanks in advance

Table contents:

select * from portfolio_sc_images_print_size_asc;
portfolio_sc_images_id | print_type_id | print_size_id  
                     1 |             1 |             7
                     1 |             1 |            10
                     1 |             1 |            15
                     1 |             1 |            37
                     1 |             1 |            30
                     1 |             2 |             7
                     1 |             2 |            10
                     1 |             2 |            15
                     1 |             2 |            18
                     1 |             2 |            37
                     1 |             2 |            38
                     1 |             2 |            30

Expanded display is on.
pixdb=> select * from portfolio_sc_images;
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
portfolio_sc_images_id     | 1
portfolio_subcategories_id | 1
image_location             | /Portfolio/Night_Skies/7009
image_name                 | DSC_2989-Hebrews-1-3.jpg
image_display_name         | Image 7009 - Hebrews 1:3
desc_title                 | Rocky Mountain National Park - Sprague Lake - Hebrews 1:3
desc_text                  | Rocky Mountain National Park at Sprague Lake, an amazing calm night, GOD called forth the Milky Way and it was incredible
display_order              | 1
orig_image_name            |  
gimp_image_name            |  
print_image_name           |  
-[ RECORD 2 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
portfolio_sc_images_id     | 2
portfolio_subcategories_id | 1
image_location             | /Portfolio/Night_Skies/7009
image_name                 | DSC_2989.jpg
image_display_name         | Image 7009
desc_title                 | Rocky Mountain National Park - Sprague Lake
desc_text                  | Rocky Mountain National Park at Sprague Lake, an amazing calm night, GOD called forth the Milky Way and it was incredible
display_order              | 2
orig_image_name            |  
gimp_image_name            |  
print_image_name           |

select * from print_sizes;
print_size_id | print_size  
            7 | 8x10
            8 | 8x12
            9 | 8x24
           10 | 11x14
           11 | 11x17
           12 | 12x18
           13 | 12x24
           14 | 12x36
           15 | 16x20
           16 | 16x24
           17 | 16x30
           18 | 20x24
           19 | 20x30
           20 | 20x40
           21 | 20x50
           22 | 20x60
           23 | 24x36
           24 | 24x48
           25 | 30x40
           26 | 30x45
           27 | 30x50
           28 | 30x60
           29 | 30x90
           30 | 40x50
           31 | 40x60
           32 | 40x70
           33 | 40x80
           34 | 40x90
           35 | 48x72
           36 | 48x96
           37 | 24x30
           38 | 32x40

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