Hi Gang: Considering there are current conversations on this list with regard to SFTP and permissions, I thought I might ask a different question and see if some of you Server Gurus can answer it. Here’s the background: As some of you know, I teach php at a local college where my students have school server accounts so they can upload and run their php scripts. The connection we have is SFTP. Everything was fine — the student and I could upload and run our scripts. Then one day every file we uploaded was given 664 permissions. We had to manually change the permissions to 644 to get the scripts to run. I asked the IT guys at school what gives? Surprisedly, they had no explanation as to why the schools server stopped assigning 664 and started using 664 instead? They added it should have never happened. Oddly enough, they fixed the problem without not knowing how the problem came about. So, does anyone have an idea as to what happened? Many thanks in advance for any explanation. Cheers, Tedd Tedd Sperling tedd@xxxxxxxxxxxx