Try close you’re html <head> Tag before you start the body tag <head></head> <body><?php ‘All your Connection Script’ ?> </body>
Or just drop the html tags altogether. - Jarrod Sent from my iPhone On May 30, 2020, at 4:24 AM, Yugroysl <yugroysl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm having trouble getting PHP7 to connect
to a MariaDb database.
The relevant script is shown below, copied from PHP documentation,
but it won't connect.
The setup:
System 1: Windows 10, MariaDb 10.4.2, Apache 2.4, PHP 7; SQL
client HeidiSQL
System 2: Fedora 32 Workstation, MariaDb 10.4.2, Apache 2.4, PHP
7; SQL client Sequeler
The databases on both systems are identical. The users are the
with the same names, privileges and passwords on both. Using
I can connect perfectly to the databases on both machines, locally
Windows and remotely on Linux from Windows. Sequeler connects
on the Linux box locally. Firewalls on both systems are properly
Attempts to connect with the following script fail on both
$host is set to one of these depending on the system: locally on Linux
localhost locally on Windows remotely on Linux from the Windows box
$host = "";
these parameters are valid for both machines
(obviously they're not the real ones!)
$usr = "me";
/* this is displayed correctly - shows that the parameters are ok
printf("Here: %s, %s, %s, %s<br>",$host,$usr,$pw,$db);
$conn = mysqli_connect($host,$usr,$pw,$db); /* SCRIPT STOPS HERE
if ( !$conn ) {
/* this is never displayed */
die("Connect failed!");
if ( $result=mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM mytable") ) {
printf("Found %d records",$n);
Any ideas, anyone?
Thanks in advance!