On 17/01/2019 17:04, Larry Garfield wrote:
On Thursday, January 17, 2019 9:26:43 AM CST Lester Caine wrote:
The proper approach is to have a testing environment that matches
your production one(s). Do updates there, fully test, and then
proceed as indicated. Never apply updates to a production site
without full testing and certainly never let a production site
Also, unless there are security issues or you *absolutely* need a new
feature, production sites rarely need bleeding edge.
That sums the problem up! I don't WANT bleeding edge. I actually think
it may be better to drop back to PHP5.6 since I KNOW that will not be
updated by the distro, but when key functions such as certbot stop
working ON a production machine because IT insists on applying security
updates OVER what the distro provides? As the subject says "How do we
know" what to do when something that was working last week and is
critical to the machine stops working without explanation! What is more
annoying here is that the other two production machines which were in
theory identical are working fine so I have the option to move sites but
what is to say they will not be broken next certs renew cycle :(
It sounds like the problem is your IT department blindly upgrading things on
prod, not anything to do with PHP. They could just as easily break Nginx that
way. Go yell at your IT team, because they're not doing proper testing.
Nobody here but me so 'I' would be the one who did everything ... In
this particular case I was quite happy that PHP7.0 package was locked
along with Firebird and Nginx ... also that Apache was blocked.
APPARENTLY that will only work while the older repos are still available
so I need to work out how to stop using the package manager and keep
manual control of the versions installed. Currently keeping the content
up to date takes a higher priority than any need to update the stack at
all! There is no spare time to 'test' when one is firefighting all the time.
"Everybody has a testing environment. Some people are lucky enough enough to
have a totally separate environment to run production in."
I've several machines working in the background and there is a
development machine but that is of little use while Letsencrypt do their
own updates to the production machines when updating the current certs!
I STILL can't get the new site certs set up at all on that machine so
taking control of the PHP version is a little academic anyway, but I
think I still need to roll back to 7.0 with Firebird2.5 as is working on
the other production machines.
Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - https://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - https://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - https://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - https://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - https://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk