RE: Re: Thoughts Please About Design Strategy for Club Mailing List

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Here's what I've done in a similar situation:

1) Set up Mailman to work the way I want.  For example, in some lists I have it set up so that everyone can participate (like in this list), and in others I set it up so subscribers can get messages but only a select few can send.  I do all this and more through Mailman's web interface.

2) I use my own website and PHP code to maintain the users (subscribers if you will).  I use a PostgreSQL database but anything will work.

3) I set up a cron job on the hosting server that runs each night and:
	a) dumps the email addresses of subscribers from my database into a plain text file
	b) runs Mailman's "sync_members" script (look in Mailman's bin directory) to pull the names from the plain text file.  Therefore each night Mailman's list is synchronized to the list I maintain with my own PHP based website.

This works well for me, but there are issues.  Perhaps the biggest is that if a user chooses to unsubscribe from your list using the links automatically included in messages sent via Mailman, *your* system won't be aware of the unsubscribe request and will re-subscribe them the next time the cron job runs.  In practice (for my application anyway), this is a rare occurrence and can be handled with an apology.  

Cliff Nieuwenhuis
IT Manager
Architectural Design Consultants, Inc.
* * *

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen [mailto:stephen-d@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 7:53 AM
To: Curtis Maurand; php-general General List
Subject: Re:  Re: Thoughts Please About Design Strategy for Club Mailing List

My host does have mailman available. I looked at it, but everything seemed to be manual.

Is there an interface so that I could have PHP code maintain my members in the mailing list?



On 16-03-30 02:16 PM, Curtis Maurand wrote:
> You need a better shared hoster.  Siteground comes to mind 
> (disclaimer, I do not work for them.  I host websites and have mailman 
> available to my users.).  Siteground does limit to 200 recipients at a 
> time, but since your list is 40.
> You could also lease a VPS and run mailman or phplist.  That would 
> also get you cron and sendmail.
> Just a couple of thoughts.
> Cheers,
> Curtis
> On 3/30/2016 12:09 AM, B. Aerts wrote:
>> On 30/03/16 00:48, Stephen wrote:
>>> I am building a LAMP site on a shared server, Hostpapa, and I want 
>>> to be able to send emails to a mailing list. I have build sites 
>>> before, but a mailing list is new to me.
>>> Sendmail and cron are not available in this environment.
>>> I will have a table for member data, including their email address.
>>> I currently have 40 members, and expect to grow to no more than 200.
>>> Members will join through a web form, and I want to update the table 
>>> with a “pending” status.
>>> Using data in the table, I want to send emails to each member. I am 
>>> wondering about load.
>>> Will the PHP mail() function be OK? Do I have to be concerned about 
>>> timeouts?
>>> I would like to send a discrete email to each member. Or is just a 
>>> big BCC going to work?
>>> Anything else I should think about?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>> Hi Steven,
>> be aware some ISP's limit the numbers of mails sent per hour, to 
>> avoid mailbots sending spam from their domain.
>> Better check in advance with your ISP what the limits are ( max.
>> recipients per mail, max. # of mails per hour )
>> Other than that, I don't think 200 members is that big to handle.
>> Regards,
>> Bert

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