Check out - I think it has what you're looking for. On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Tim-Hinnerk Heuer <tim@xxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi there, > > The single most annoying feature about PHP I find is that there are no > optional types for variables. Otherwise, I think PHP is great: great > community, lots of code and contributors etc. > > Just out of curiosity, do you think it would be possible and feasible to > design a Typed PHP similar to TypeScript in JavaScript? So, a super set of > PHP that is optionally typed and can be compiled/transpiled to normal PHP? > I think this should be quite possible and possibly a great addition to the > language. It would need to not break the current syntax but provide better > tooling in IDEs and editors. Someone has already had a similar idea: > > > However, I would propose a technology that transpiles to "normal" PHP. The > types would be solely there for better tooling support and YES, better auto > complete! An extension wouldn't be required. Typed PHP would just be a > super set of normal PHP and all existing code could be re-used just like in > Type Script. You could also have .d.tphp files, similar to TS and annotate > existing libraries for better auto complete. I have come across Type Script > not so long ago and it is really good in my opinion. People can still > develop in the not strictly typed language while others more inclined to > use strict types can use them but do not have to. > > Similar to TS you could have .tphp files that compile to readable .php > files without having to re-engineer PHP or write extensions. The benefits > should be obvious: Maximum code re-usability while providing better code > maintenance and tooling. > > I think the exact syntax can be discussed and should be to not break > anything while having a terse syntax, that is readable and writable. I > could propose some syntax ideas that would be similar to TS syntax, but > wanted to put the idea out there first. Maybe you will say this is > absolutely crazy and cannot be done, but I challenge this belief. > > Kind regards, > Tim >