On May 12, 2015, at 7:13 AM, Christoph Becker wrote:
Jeffry Killen wrote:
$_elements = explode('|', $_outPut);
$_addErrs = array();
$_zipper = new ZipArchive;
$_head = explode(':', $_elements[0]);
$_name = str_replace('l-', '',
'', $_head[0]);
$_dir = dirname($_docRoot.'/'.$_name);
$_ret = $_zipper->open($_name, ZipArchive::CREATE);
if($_ret === true)
so now for the items sent to add
$_outList = array();
for($_itr = 1; $_itr < count($_elements); $_itr++)
$_sep = explode(':', $_elements[$_itr]);
$_addFile = $_docRoot.'/'.str_replace('s-', '',
$_outList[count($_outList)] = $_addFile." ->
".str_replace('t-', '', $_sep[1]);
$_add = $_zipper->addFile($_addFile,
str_replace('t-', '', $_sep[1]));
if($_add === false) // perhaps I shouldn't use
=== here?
At least for testing purposes, I would do
if($_add !== true)
$_addErrs[count($_addErrs)] = $_addFile;
It's better to check the return value of ZipArchive::close().
$_res = "Zip archive file: ".$_name."
created\n".implode($_outList, "\n");
if(count($_addErrs) > 0)
$_res .= "\nadd errors: ".implode($_addErrs, "\n");
$_res = $_constER[$_ret];
The output back to the submitting page:
Zip archive file: /dev_lab_current/lab_8/storage/new.zip created
/Library/WebServer/Documents/dev_lab_current/consoleTestGrid.txt ->
NOTICE: the lack of $_addErrs in the output;
The whole point is that ZipArchive->addFile is returning true and the
files are NOT being added, so the zip file in not actually created
There is a user contributed note[1] on the man page stating that
non-existing files would succeed and return TRUE; I have not been able
to reproduce that, but it might be worthwhile to add a check for
I could have the path to the file to be added constructed wrong, but I
the file exists. I will use that test.
[1] <http://php.net/manual/en/ziparchive.addfile.php#101605>
Thank you for time and attention.
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