Hello, again;
I hate to be a pain in the A**, and I hate to have a continuing pain
in the A**
Here is another obstruction:
The zip file is being created as far as ZipArchive->open is concerned:
but it isn't (I already discovered that open with ZipArchive::CREATE
return true when nothing is written to the zip file: an empty file,
AND the
file will not have been created)
So, here goes:
This is not the result of an async and is not the result of wrapping
object instance in a class def on my own.
It is the result of a formal post submission.
I have created a custom method of encoding post vars for this
When decoded the pattern is: n-value:l-value|s-value:t-value[|s-
Where the first pair are n- for zip file name to be created and l- for
directory location
The rest are files to add (s-) and what to call them (t-) in the zip
In the first line $_outPut is the result of decoding my custom
encoding scheme
$_elements = explode('|', $_outPut);
$_addErrs = array();
$_zipper = new ZipArchive;
$_head = explode(':', $_elements[0]);
$_name = str_replace('l-', '',
$_head[1]).'/'.str_replace('n-', '', $_head[0]);
$_dir = dirname($_docRoot.'/'.$_name);
$_ret = $_zipper->open($_name, ZipArchive::CREATE);
if($_ret === true)
so now for the items sent to add
$_outList = array();
for($_itr = 1; $_itr < count($_elements); $_itr++)
$_sep = explode(':', $_elements[$_itr]);
$_addFile = $_docRoot.'/'.str_replace('s-', '',
$_outList[count($_outList)] = $_addFile." ->
".str_replace('t-', '', $_sep[1]);
$_add = $_zipper->addFile($_addFile,
str_replace('t-', '', $_sep[1]));
if($_add === false) // perhaps I shouldn't use ===
$_addErrs[count($_addErrs)] = $_addFile;
$_res = "Zip archive file: ".$_name." created
\n".implode($_outList, "\n");
if(count($_addErrs) > 0)
$_res .= "\nadd errors: ".implode($_addErrs, "\n");
$_res = $_constER[$_ret];
The output back to the submitting page:
Zip archive file: /dev_lab_current/lab_8/storage/new.zip created
/Library/WebServer/Documents/dev_lab_current/consoleTestGrid.txt ->
NOTICE: the lack of $_addErrs in the output;
from php manual:
bool ZipArchive::addFile ( string $filename [, string $localname =
NULL [, int $start = 0 [, int $length = 0 ]]] )
Adds a file to a ZIP archive from a given path.
Return Values
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
The whole point is that ZipArchive->addFile is returning true and the
files are NOT being added, so the zip file in not actually created
I have been nit picking and chasing bubbles out of this wall paper to
death, but maybe I have missed something significant.
Thanks to anyone with the patience for the time and attention
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