On Jan 23, 2015, at 4:59 AM, Adrian Walls wrote:
I'm trying to find a solution which via our application would open a
document (docx) stored on AWS S3 allowing a user to make amendments
to the
document on their local machine via MS Office or OpenOffice but when
click save it would automatically save the document all the way back
to S3.
Is this something that would be possible to implement and if so I'd
appreciate any suggestions as how I would go about it. I've had a
look at
Webdav but I'm don't think it's suitable for this task as the
documents are
stored in various different accounts on the system plus I can't see
how to
push this all the way back to S3.
Thanks in advance.
I think that the closest you will get to this is to use an ftp client.
forgive my ignorance but I am not familiar with S3. IF it is sometning
the user can establish an ftp connection to, then in the ftp client
find the preference that allows you to tell the ftp client what
application to
open a file with. This would require the user to have a local ftp
client installed
( use Fetch on Mac OSX), and the preference set.
In my case I establish a connection to a host, local or remote, and
open a file
for edit. The file is opened in the application specified and then the
are saved back to the original file at the location it was opened from.
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