I can sympathize with your problem, especially since yours was much more
important than mine.
So far today I've had mail and I've not had mail. My hoster even tested
my script by generating an email which generated an error email message
to me. Eureka! I thought it was solved somehow, but they said they
didn't do anything. Anyway for the next hour I was getting responses
and testing away until suddenly I stopped receiving those emails. At
this point they say it's my script. I say it's their email server. I
even took a couple hours off and when I got back there was an email
message waiting for me that was over 2 hours old. Forwarded it to them
to see if they could see something wrong with it but they insisted they
needed to see my script. Guess I'll have to punt this one.
Funny tho - my older email scripts are still working just fine - using
the same basic code, especially the emailing function. Same server,
same address for the mail, just different inboxes that are attached to
each script.
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