"dealTek" wrote in message
On Aug 21, 2014, at 9:50 AM, Stephen <stephen-d@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This really is not a class issue. When you call the class to determine
the record ID of the user, you will save it in a variable. Probably
created by calling the class to instantiate the variable.
OK Thanks for the help. So forgetting about the class issue
Assuming that site will need to display the fields separately on different
pages (just first name on some - full info on others etc.).....
Do you recommend setting session vars after the primary query for each of
the user fields like:
$_SESSION['first'] = "joe";
$_SESSION['last'] = "smith";
$_SESSION['phone'] = "212 111 2222";
etc. ?
Or might I set a session user var like...
$_SESSION['thisuser'] = array('joe','smith','212 111 2222');
echo 'show last name- '.$_SESSION['thisuser'][1].'<br>';
is there a customary way to do this?
There is no "customary" way. You do whatever works for you.
Tony Marston
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