the following begins with the error generated by the following code
Warning: putenv() [function.putenv]: Safe Mode warning: Cannot set
environment variable 'GDFONTPATH' - it's not in the allowed list in /
var/www/vhosts/jekillen.com/httpdocs/view/cap/class/capClass.php on
line 32
class _CAP
private static $_relPath = 'cap/class/'; // **** set for
private static $_codeLen = 0; // set in capClassGLBS.php,
currently 6
private static $_fontPath = '';
private static $_fontList = array();
private static $_CODE = '';
private static $_STRLST = array();
public function __construct($_cdLen)
self::$_codeLen = $_cdLen;
self::$_fontPath = realpath('cap/ttf_font');
putenv('GDFONTPATH='. realpath('cap/ttf_font'));////
self::$_fontList = $font;
require_once($_relPath.'authenticationClss.php'); //
self::$_CODE = new authenticate();
self::$_STRLST = $_charLst;
Do I have to get php.ini files edited to get around this?
Server is on remote hosting service server so I don't
have access to server admin functions.
I have no experience with php.ini other that initial
configurations and I don't remember if there can
be a local php.ini file (I think that is the right file name)
Thanks for time and attention
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