Just google the stream_set_blocking a while and see some code examples,
it's easy to use.
于 2014年07月03日 16:05, Uggla Henrik 写道:
This is a bit over my head. Could you explain more or give me some links?
Från: louis [smallbanglouis@xxxxxxxxx]
Skickat: den 3 juli 2014 09:55
Till: Sebastian Krebs
Kopia: Uggla Henrik; php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ämne: Re: Pass variable to pcntl_fork child
well right! Just forgot to use stream_set_blocking(..., ...) to set a stream non-blocking mode.
于 2014年07月03日 15:35, Sebastian Krebs 写道:
2014-07-03 9:26 GMT+02:00 louis <smallbanglouis@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:smallbanglouis@xxxxxxxxx>>:
It's easy, you write a rest API to do the write staff, and in your main code , you just have to request the rest API and do not wait it to return
I don't know, if I get you right
- If you _provide_ an API. In that case the request should actually handle the request only and therefore there is no need to free the process from the burden to answer the request.
- If you _consume an API, than I'd recommend using non-blocking streams instead. There are much easier to handle.
于 2014年07月03日 15:18, Uggla Henrik 写道:
But how should I do in the HTTP SERVER environment? I don't want php to wait until the file write is finished before the url is displayed. I've tried to use flush, ob_flush but that didn't work, possibly because I have session_start in the beginning of my code. Should I use exec to start a second php?
Från: louis [smallbanglouis@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:smallbanglouis@xxxxxxxxx>]
Skickat: den 3 juli 2014 05:45
Till: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Ämne: Re: Pass variable to pcntl_fork child
Child process should has the same environment as the parent process. I
don't see any thing wrong with your code.
I assume that you are using php to handle http request for the using of
$_GET , but I think it is wrong to use multi process in PHP in the HTTP
SERVER environment
于 2014年07月02日 17:40, Uggla Henrik 写道:
I've tried the following code but the $call variable is not available in the pcntl_fork child. Searching the web, I've found posts that claim that all variables defined before pcntl_fork are copied to the child. I've also found posts that claim that no variables are passed/copied to the child. So, which of them is true and how should I correct my code to make it work?
$call = str_replace('@@', '&', $_GET['call']);
if ($pid = pcntl_fork())
$previousCalls=file("calls.txt", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
if (!in_array($call, $previousCalls))
file_put_contents("calls.txt", $call."\n", FILE_APPEND);
function displayUrl($url)
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$curlResult = curl_exec($ch);
list($headers,$content) = explode("\r\n\r\n",$curlResult,2);
foreach (explode("\r\n",$headers) as $hdr)
if ($hdr != 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked')
echo $content;
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