On 13 February 2014 07:01:00 GMT+00:00, Ian Evans <dheianevans@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: >I recently moved to a new server and took the move time as a chance to >migrate my database from Latin1 to UTF-8. > >With my site's data forms I'm able to enter accented characters just >fine >and the when PHP grabs the info from the DB the accents display just >fine. >Sometimes for quick little changes, it's easier to go into a program >like >Adminer or phpmyadmin. > >I've already posted questions about this at stackoverlflow ( >http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21439798/utf-8-input-problems-with-adminer-and-phpmyadmin) >and the adminer forum ( >http://sourceforge.net/p/adminer/discussion/960418/thread/33595373/) >but so >far no one's been able to crack this particular nut. > >With the UTF-8 in place, I wanted to change director Alfonso Cuaron's >name >to Cuarón. I went to his entry in Adminer. Edit. Cuar[alt+0243]n. It >showed >in the edit box as Cuarón. But when I saved the change, Adminer showed >it >as Cuarón. Okay. Looked at page info in Firefox. Says the character >encoding of the page is UTF-8. So all should be well, right? > >I went to one of my php data entry forms and created a Bob Cuarón. It >showed up fine. I SSH'd into the server fired up a mysql command line >and >ran an update sql line with Cuarón. That worked. But trying to change >it in >Adminer still kept giving me Cuarón. I installed phpmyadmin (which was >giving me some issues with my nginx config) but I was able to edit his >name >and...sigh...it too gave me Cuarón. I installed SQLbuddy >and...success...I >was able to make the changes, but the program is lacking some of the >things >I need, like the ability to edit search results. > >I'm sure I've nailed everything down: > >nginx.conf: > >charset UTF-8; > >my.cnf: > >[client] >default-character-set=utf8 >[mysqld] >character-set-server=utf8 >collation-server=utf8_general_ci >init-connect='SET NAMES utf8' > >/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini > >mbstring.language = Neutral >mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8 >mbstring.encoding_translation = On >mbstring.http_input = auto >mbstring.http_output = UTF-8 >mbstring.detect_order = auto >mbstring.substitute_character = none >default_charset = UTF-8 > >Iconv support is enabled. the implentation is glibc, the library >version is >2.17. and the iconv encodings are set to UTF-8. > > >SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%character_set%"; > >+--------------------------+----------------------------+ >| Variable_name | Value | >+--------------------------+----------------------------+ >| character_set_client | utf8 | >| character_set_connection | utf8 | >| character_set_database | utf8 | >| character_set_filesystem | binary | >| character_set_results | utf8 | >| character_set_server | utf8 | >| character_set_system | utf8 | >| character_sets_dir | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ | > >I can't see what I could be missing. Both Adminer and phpmyadmin handle >UTF-8 so I don't know why it's not working. It worked right out of the >box >with SQLBuddy, but as I said it's missing some features. > >Any thoughts where I should look? I feel like I'm an edge case as the >adminer devs can't duplicate the issue, I know this doesn't exactly answer your issue, but as an alternative I quite like SQLyog. There's a community version on Google code, and it runs just fine under Wine (I use it myself at home). It makes a lot of things much easier than phpMyAdmin (I've not tried Adminer) Thanks, Ash -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php