I just dont know how to express $_POST[DPRtype] to be able to build the $SQL to express the separate possibilities.
$sql = "UPDATE `taylorjo`.`CRTP_CGA`
`DPRtype` = '$_POST[DPRtype]'
PHP created rtrim, but did not make something like this? Ouf, I feel like I just smashed a fly with a nuke.
function express_value_select($tofilter) {
$start = 0;
$ToFilterSQL ="";
foreach($tofilter as $row){
$ToFilterSQL .= $row. ",";
if ($start > 0)
$ToFilterSQL = rtrim($ToFilterSQL, ",");
#echo $ToFilterSQL;
return $ToFilterSQL;
as David Robley wrote, implode does it. It creates a string from an array using one parameter as a „glue“ character
in any case, you would not need $start in your function. better use is_array before using your function.
for information on implode see http://us1.php.net/function.implode
function express_value_select($tofilter) {
return $ToFilterSQL;
Thanks. I have received no other posts. I will look this over.
:) John
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