On 8/9/2013 1:56 PM, Jan Ehrhardt wrote:
Jim Giner in php.general (Fri, 09 Aug 2013 12:33:30 -0400):
Good question and the answer is: it happens for other pdfs as well, so I
guess it's not fpdf.
Sorry for the mis-post here - I'll do more research on Adobe and IE.
Solved my print problem by unchecking an option in Adobe Reader -
Display PDF in browser. Solved my garbled dialog box and the printing
of the document.
Although it is off-topic: I do not have this problem with PDFs in a IE10
browser window. No garbled print dialogue, prints OK, no crash.
IE 10.0.9200.16635, Update version 10.0.7, W7 Pro 64-bits. Adobe Reader
XI, version 11.0.3.
I have since my last post discovered that XI does indeed solve the
problem completely. Too bad M$ doesn't post that info on all the many
forum topics complaining about this.
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