Thank you for the quick response ! What I am trying to do : I have to complete two university projects for my professor ! project One : Make an online shop and must use the following components in it Shopping cart, Catalog of products, payment gateway , user login and user activity log . project Two : Implementing of a B2B sell-side portal with negotiation mechanism. As I am familiar with php and My.SQL and I have only 20 days to complete those projects ! I thought it's better to use Joomla I'll be grateful if you can give me an advice thank you ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Ashley Sheridan <ash@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: elk dolk <elkdolk@xxxxxxxxx> Cc: "php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 11:45 PM Subject: Re: How to extract php source code from joomla On Mon, 2013-07-22 at 12:18 -0700, elk dolk wrote: > Hi all, > I want to build a website using Joomla 2.5 . It should have 5 pages: > > index.php > pageOne.php > pageTwo.php > ....... > > How can I get the php source code for those pages? > > I installed joomla 2.5 on my windows box and use XAMPP's appache web server > thanks Erm, Joomla is a CMS, which means that you don't have source code for individual pages like that. If you want, you don't have to get involved with the PHP at all in Joomla. What is it that you're actually trying to achieve? Thanks, Ash