On 7/10/2013 8:37 AM, Karl-Arne Gjersøyen wrote:
Sorry, the first mail in this subject run out for me. This is an updated
I am almost ready with my learning project in PHP/MySQL.
I can register new product in stock.
Add and increase the number and weight.
I can move products between different storehouses
I can also transfer products from store and onto a "truck document" but
that's it and here I need some advice.
I like to register new products and the amount in number (for example 4)
and weight in kg.
I like to write it in this way:
Dynamite - package 4 - Weight 200 kg
Lunt - Package 10 - Weight 10kg
Then I like to 4+10 = 14
and 200+10 = 210.
It shall looks like this:
Dynamite | 4 | 200
Lunt | 10 | 10
TOTAL | 14 | 210
It is easy to register this product by product on their own row.
but in what way can I multiply them? ned products be stored in arrays?
I think it will be similar to shopping cart in online store but i have no
clue about how to do this.
If you have links to pages were i can learn am i Happy for it. If you can
help me here is even better.
Thanks for your time and effort to learn me programming.
So - you should run a query that selects the products and information
that you want. Then you start by creating an html table header and then
loop through your query results and echo a table row for each result row.
// start the table
echo "<table border=1>";
echo "<tr><th>Product</th><th>Amount</th></tr>";
// loop thru each item found
while ($results = $qrslts->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
// finish the table html
echo "</table";
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